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Goldin-Rudahl Systems

Goldin-Rudahl Systems, Inc. (GRS) specializes in the cost-effective application of computer technology to natural resource management problems. GRS is best known for its popular DRAGON/ips® remote sensing image processing software. DRAGON was introduced in 1987 as the first serious remote sensing package for standard personal computers. Goldin-Rudahl Systems also provides consulting services, including custom software development, needs analysis and systems integration, as well as training in the areas of remote sensing and geographic information systems.

GRS was created to apply its founders' hardware and software engineering expertise to the development of inexpensive, easy-to-use tools for managing and improving the environment. A primary GRS goal is to serve users around the world, particularly in developing countries where resources for acquiring computer facilities are scarce. GRS' DRAGON software is fully internationalized and several non-English versions are available, including Spanish, Italian, Czech and Indonesian/Malaysian. The worldwide distribution of DRAGON (more than 40 countries, with users on every continent) testifies to Goldin-Rudahl Systems' success in meeting the needs of its target users.

DRAGON is a full-featured but low-cost system which can analyze image data from many sources including Landsat and SPOT satellites, aerial photographs, aerial thermography, and data layers imported from a GIS. GRS supports users who need to integrate remotely-sensed imagery with other types of geographic information through the DRAGON Tools Libraries. Currently-available Tools Libraries include the Rosetta Library (raster conversion), the Vector Library (vector import/export), the TIFF Library (high-end hardcopy), the Tape/CD Library (data ingestion) and the DRAGON Programmer's Toolkit. Goldin-Rudahl Systems also offers the Teaching Packs for DRAGON, application-oriented laboratory exercises, complete with imagery, instructions, and course notes.

In summary, Goldin-Rudahl Systems provides effective, low-cost tools for integrating image-based information into a GIS. Our goal is to make advanced geoprocessing technology accessible and affordable.

Goldin-Rudahl Systems, Inc.
6 University Drive, #213
Amherst, MA 01002 U.S.A.
Fax: +1-815-642-9036
Email: info@goldin-rudahl.com
